I agree to the following terms:
I. I have received and read a copy of the “GALFAR Information Security Policy” and understood the same;
ii. I understand and agree that any computers, software, and storage media provided to me by the company
contains proprietary and confidential information about GALFAR and its customers or its vendors, and
that this is and remains the property of the company at all times;
iii. I agree that I shall not copy, duplicate (except for backup purposes as part of my job here at GALFAR),
otherwise disclose, or allow anyone else to copy or duplicate any of this information or software;
iv. I agree that, if I leave GALFAR for any reason, I shall immediately return to the company the original and
copies of any and all software, computer materials, or computer equipment that I may have received from
the company that is either in my possession or otherwise directly or indirectly under my control.